Dream takes the Night Away

 It is amazing to have the feeling of eyes opening once again but at the same time it feels like we did let go of a lot of things. The last night feels like another life, the decision that I made, feels like another paper bag floating in the empty parking lot.

Now that my eyes are open, I could care less about last night but some of the events of the night still manage to reverberate, and some emotions do linger around.

The night always feels like a friend that you spent way too much time with and at the same moment, you didn’t. You may have spent the entire night painting the town red but now it feels like we barely knew each other. As I open my eyes, I only see and feel an immense amount of dread but no regrets.

Between night and morning, not a lot of things happened, again at the same time nothing did happen, but only dreams. It is the dream that took me to places to look at the trees that died a long time ago.

In dreams, I spent a long time sitting under the tree counting the leaves until I laid to rest under its shadow. My eyes opened up, now it feels like I walked a thousand miles from the night.

It’s all in the distance, so far away, never to be reached. Some of the fragments of the night still beats to evoke the same feeling. Some of them managed to get me to feel something for them, but overall it’s like redoing things in life to capture the same feelings. In the back of my head, I know It will always lead to failure.

What happened in the night, will not happen again. The dreams always take out most memories of the night and leave us with just some.

Some of the time, it takes care of all the bad memories of the night and leaves us with nothing but pleasant ones. But our eagerness gets the better of us, as we try to find everything that happened in the night and eventually we come across bad memories.

And sometimes dreams leave us with bad memories, and we have to look for some pleasant ones by guiding our head through what feels like an ocean of thorns to get to the beautiful rose that lies in the center.

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