Wealth is an acquired taste

A lot of people in this world know how to spend money; and only a handful know how to keep it.

Wealth is an acquired taste. 

Walk around any parts of the world, you will happily find people who will happily oblige to lend you a hand in anything as long as you pump their veins with solid green. It is damn amazing how it works, they don't care how you acquired the dough, as long as you have a large sum of it, no leash is wrapped around your neck at all time. They will open up the doors, hold the handle as long as you want them to, even if their hands turn purple, they will hold them up.

You can finally afford more flavors to the food that you couldn’t even imagine. Not only do they kill the chicken but also they go to great lengths to ensure the meat is cooked to perfection. More labor work is being put on making sure the chicken is well cooked than a government run healthcare facility. 

Basically the wealth brings a group of people that teaches you far more superior etiquette of living. The teachings here take you from your ‘well’ living to ‘better’ living, these new methods help you forget or drag you away from the home you grew up in and takes you to places that you only imagined in the clouds.

What is at play here?

The idea here is to get you used to all these lavish amenities; so you will never go back. The second your mind gets used to the food, decor, stench, and finally people, you will happily shake the hands of the devil to keep the champagne pouring down your throat. In a godless world nobody is keeping track of the sins, that is as long as you can afford the record book.

Shaking hands with the devil helps you gain the record book, so you can erase as much as you want to your heart desire. As long as you don’t believe in it; it doesn’t exist.

Deep down the fear also keeps you on the treadmill, as the fear of shame, ridicule pushes you to live up to the mirror that is set in the world for all the people to see. The idea of perfection is what they want everyday, and you better deliver it.

Its all a joke, a big joke.

The more seriously you take this life, the bigger the laughs you will get from others. I failed to see any difference between in anything in the world. You walk into a fast food joint, where the employees makes around $15 an hour to sell you the poison that will eat you alive one day. Then you walk into a fancy place with respectable owner and professional experienced minimum wage workers, who talks to you politely, flirt with you and then let the place eats your wallet with a bottle of chianti.

The more cards you see on the top of another, the quality the bait will be. These places might have a owner who a rich meglomaniac but the entire place is run by the workers who are commoners. And their only job is to make the meglomaniac happy and satisfied. They dedicated their lives learning to bait the rich. They make you see what you want to see, and you will see yourself in them.

You are also an inspiration to the thousands, your move makes changes, your decision impacts many, you better live up to their standard, you better live up to them, you better live for them.

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