The Duality

 Pain comes without justice and even with one.

Predominant facts somehow always find ink on the paper, but the rest of the stories get washed away quickly like a sand castle. Even if these stories have a ring of truth to them, they will be casted outside with the label of conspiracy in the future. Seems like the record book only cares about the loudest opinion, as emotion driven truth barely gets a chance to be heard. Changing history is a vile thing a world does to protect people against criticism of being human.

While the narration behind the emotionally driven truth should be followed with skepticism, it should never be left alone. Since emotions can make people act in an uncanny manner, these emotions make people stand on the line between truth and false. As it makes people lie or tell the truth, it is hard to decipher the feelings to get to the rational answer. On the one hand the victim will feel as if they are forced to live a memory to get justice done in this world.

Or some reach the conclusion of mental happiness by letting go of justice for the crime inflicted on them. It is a game that nobody wants to play, but the devil does enjoy seeing people suffer from playing it. As nobody wins, everybody loses, especially the victim. Either they are forced to tell the tale carrying the guilt, regret, the same weight that they thought long gone from their life, all coming back like a tide that never left. Just to get justice from the system and seeing the perpetrator face the consequences from his actions.


Letting it all go, living in a world where victims will get more abuse hurled at them, quickly followed with mockery from everyone for ever even thinking about getting justice.

Pain comes without justice and even with one.

The Last option

Some do rely on their emotion to derive any sort of profit from their sufferings, while others are afraid, as they will be seen as deceitful liars. People who found themselves on the latter end of this deal, end up taking their lives, since they find this the only way to make the voices disappear eternally. As justice seems far beyond the control of their hands. People who decide to live through the suffering are forced to abandon real life, as they dive head first into fantasy. A place of eternal solace without the needless judgment from others, as the characters in the land have crafted by the mind of the victim.

As the victim always tries to imagine the world without the presence of the abuser, since the real world never gives them a chance to see justice, the victim tries to capture the air that they once breathed in the world without any fear or hopelessness. This makes the victims create a world, and then adds layers of details to make it comfortable. So, they can spend their whole life there without worrying about their past knocking on their windows reminding them of the incident and how they never got any justice.

At time, it does feel like

As there is a cabal of people who are hell bent on making common people's life as miserable as possible. Common people get thrown out of the life, more attention gets paid to the oligarchs. They take politicians, or a businessman and make them these holy entities for mankind. As these people are untouchables, they are vastly superior in every possible way. And they make the commoners repeat these words to their dying breath. Even if most of the people with common sense can see the facade, a closet full of skeletons, they are told not to focus on these aspects. Instead I was told to look at the other side.

A quick glance at people will reveal everything about them, you don't need to observe them for hours and hours to find something disgusting about them. Both man and woman are the same creatures, deep down the same demon breathes within them. It's all about the time, when the time comes the skin gets peeled away revealing the true nature.

Time and time again, we saw many of these megalomaniacs exposed in front of people. But even when this sick sense of justice does happen, they stand on the podium with the confidence of thousands of suns. It is a downright amazing sight to see, when the rope gets hanged on the poor, you will see remorse or lack thereof can be blamed on the circumstances. While the rich, they are confident, it is an awful sight to see, it feels like the rope is on their side as well. The confidence that nothing is going to happen is something alive in people who are delusional and the rich.

But the megaphones in the world are hellbent in turning these megalomaniacs of the past into loverable admirable characters, far more divine than mortal. When you look at people, you are aware each one of them is capable of turning into the worst monster in the world. Any is capable of causing havoc in the lives of hundreds. Surely, A man that wields even a small dosage of power can certainly influence billions of people in an instant.

Respect is a good thing to have for others, but to an extreme end, it becomes far more sinister, as it makes people blind. The level of fanaticism makes people blinder day by day until they don't see anything. And the megalomaniacs wait for this point, this exact line, where they feel comfortable about changing history. So, the future will look at them as a savior and forgo everything else.

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