The Color of Lost


Blood that flowed in the name of religion will turn the ocean red. Skepticism rose in the times to question the existence of faith; they all met with fate undeserved. Years after years, decades after decades, centuries after centuries, religion always found its way to a men's heart.

Atrocities still take place in the name of religion, and all of them meet with prayers and well-wishes in the name of the same faith. A vitriol heart always seeks the warmth of pain to comfort his inner soul. To them, everything becomes a tool or an object to perfect their demented vision.

Religion is nothing but a tool for anyone who wants to inflict pain on the hearts of people. The moral teaching fades as they see what they want to see; suddenly, each chapter consists of a few sentences that feed their view.

A mind that seeks evil will find it everywhere. Every direction will lead to a preconceived conclusion. Any opinion will be regarded as a heresy that follows with man-made punishment. A demented mind can turn the holy of holies into the house of hades. 

In the end, what was once white, now becomes red as the mind refuses to accept the color white and its existence.


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