
They were once worn by somebody, maybe somebody special, maybe somebody who had some worth in life, somebody that was once known by every one or by not a single person. Sometimes I look at them for hours, they tell a story of the days gone by, and other times they leave something bitter in my head. On the surface they are nothing  but objects with flowers printed on them. Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing interesting about them, but a person when they were alive they saw this object amongst thousands. And for a reason, they picked this particular one.

The one that is floating in front of my very own eyes, it has lost all its  colors, years of abandonment has taken away everything special about them, leaving it valueless for people. That's why it resides outside, left to disappear. Unlike rotten food on the street, it can atleast get eaten by hungry animals. A discarded object doesn't appeal to anybody. Especially one that has lost its value. Just like the rest of them, it drifts away from one location to another, hoping to find any kind of appreciation from somebody else. 

Much like the fate of the owner, the object holds no value in the world. Once the color fades away, the big whale of irrelevance swallows it. I have to say, maybe it's me who is thinking too much about it. Why should I, it's just a piece of fabric in the air. Everything about it is just gray and dark, you can't even see the outline of the flower on the object. I don't know, it is alluring. An object that has lost its value, like human beings they get pushed to the side for a newer one.

I can't just help to imagine all the things that might have happened to the person who wore it to places. The places I have never been, people that I never going to meet, this object has seen them all. Just like its owner, it used to get adored by many, looked out by one, just like the owner. Pretty sad tale to what has happened to the object.

Maybe, just maybe, the value of the object wasn't coming from what was inside, but what was being seen by others. Can't believe it, it was just a piece of cloth.

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