Wanted to do good

 Wanted to do good.

A giant black wall stands still amidst a village. At first glance, you can tell the wall never saw any other color in its life. But it gives a sense of possibility to people who want to do good. Some conjure an idea as they will be the first ones to bring some exciting color to the wall and make it look better in the world they are part of.

But the truth can not be further away from the illusion the wall creates for the people. Most people see the wall as black and accept it for what it is, some want to make changes to the wall, and then others don't even pretend to see it.

People who want to do good acknowledge the wall's presence and color. When they arrive, the first thing they see is the black wall in the middle. They get the same feeling as a mother gets when she hears her children's growling of hunger.

They spend hours upon hours painting the wall. When their journey is over, they leave with a wall half painted with bright rainbow colors. But the second they leave, the wall discards the changes and reverts to black. The wall knows the inevitability; of what awaits in the future. But it is sensitive enough to allow people to delude themselves into thinking walls are the problem.

The wall has no colors, but the fog around the wall will never allow it to be indifferent to itself.

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