Fading of Innocence


Every group in the world adores the innocence of children; some prepare them to seek a proper vision of life and others want them to die on the same hill as they are buried.

Fewer questions and experiences have always been the first victim of war. An empty mind is easy for the devil to settle in with few obstacles. When these children take their first step into the world of adulthood, their heart still beats with the same anger they learned when they were naïve. 

But many see the children as a big pile of clay they can use to craft the object of their desire. They are told not to raise questions about anything. Propaganda makes sense to the mind of an innocent, as all the problems of the world gets latched onto a group. 

Adults try their best to keep the raw anger alive in people; a person with a slight amount of anger is capable of doing minor to major atrocities. In short, a person with little to no independent thought would rely on an upper figure for answers.

When these children grow up in the shadows of their creator, they become a part of their creator. The hopes and dreams of individuality slowly disappear and get replaced by the ideologies of bygone eras.

Bygone era ideologies always have some demented purpose that leads the believer into the pearly gates of a heavenly place. But in return, it demands the free soul of a person.

To them, life is worth living if you die on the alter of their dogma.

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