Looking at the mirror


I wonder if there is a place in this world where I can go to see the guilt trapped in my mind. I wonder if it can manifest itself to a physical form, so I can embrace it and plead for forgiveness. How wonderful would that be if that place ever came to fruition. Everyone in this world will get a chance to face the demon they created often by negligence or the act of cowardice. 

I don’t think it is the fault of people, as nobody prepares a person for life, sometimes rationality slips past the bait from the fisherman. It doesn’t matter if you had your eyes fixed to the pages of a book about lessons, the unfairness of life works out of bounds. Mistakes happen, regret piles on, and tears turn dry.

I wonder if this place holds everything I have been in my life, it doesn’t matter if I can’t interact with it. I just wanted to see the places as the background with a person who doesn’t exist anymore in the real world. How wonderful it would be to meet someone who has had their eyes closed for a long time, some of them never to see the sun rise again and some to never get the chance to see the moon.

Everytime I think about this place, I don’t even want to step foot there, but everything here is so appealing. I can see why people decide to go into this area voluntarily without any sort of coercion. For some the place will mean to relive the memories that couldn’t be recreated and for some it is a place where they will be finally accountable. 

The decisions we make in our life might not have any dire consequences, but it only takes one. Only one bad decision can dwindle everything, as you might think in your head the decision to be rational or forgotten but you will soon find that ‘second’ to wear a straightjacket and scream your name loudly in the future.

Doubt creates — 

If this place exists, do I even want to go here?

If I step into this place, what would I say or call, if I meet them. Them being the people who are passed away only for the punishment of living righteously. What do I tell them? That life isn’t fair? Or That people who commit sins get a bigger piece of the pie of life and get to live forever?

Or maybe I’ll act ignorant of my actions or admit to everything, accept proper punishment to lift up this terrible burden I carry on my back. Or maybe I will see denial as the right answer for everything. And cut myself out of any wrong doing.

Now with all these questions, do I even want to go to this place for salvation? Now to think about it; dwelling in the sins and not feeling any guilt is the perfect answer to pleasure. Look outside, you will see many eyes that have seen the horrors of the world, but most of them don’t feel guilt, as they abandon it for a life of happiness. 

As everyone who dribbles in the wrong side of the world answers you cog of the machine. If they didn’t do bad things, someone else will or take their place. A rationalization of commiting sins without feeling any sort of guilt, as they see the world to always be this way. Seeing themselves as a cog in the giant machine, the fire blazing in the machine will never disappear, as people will always keep the flame alive.

What a wonderful life that we live in, or should I say I live in, that it is making me question the existence of my true nature and the clown make up that it thinks I should put on.

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