The Terrible Relationship

A man drinks from the glass of life, as long as his hands can hold the cup.

Like that one song goes, I see people passing me by, each one of them has a strange string to another person in the city. Like an unseen thread that nobody sees, it can only be seen by familiar faces. These unseen threads of any human being carries an immense value, we don't know where these threads are venturing, but I know for sure, on the other end of the thread lies another human being that has contempt, empathy, lust, love, vitriol, for the person I see on the road.

More importantly, for most, these threads carry their life's purpose or meaning. If anything happens to the thread, it takes away everything they have for life. One simple rule about the strings or threads, it can only be created once, one can try but they will never even come close to replicating it. It's not an object, it's a feeling, a memory, an alive being, these feelings leave an everlasting imprint in the mind. These marks or scars or imprints create a  constant stream of happiness. And some do manage to bring much more worse out of people.

For the growth of mankind, comes with a price. The price of living coincides with evil. Evil doesn't have to be a picture of a giant unrecognizable figure with large teeth that craves blood. No, a subtle amount of evil that impairs the judgment of our rationality. And it happens, believe me there is one thing that is guaranteed in life, it's the moments. Where the price for staying good will be so high, you will have to turn to the devil for answers.

In these broken times, the answers will make sense. In one of those moments, i came across a difficult subject. Like I written before, the threads are are strong enough to carry purpose of two or more lives, but there is a other side of the thread, most time the sabotage of the threads from the ones who is holding the other end, rather than any outsiders. The sadistic nature of human beings always manages to bring it out, always at the worst possible time. It is difficult to witness such an event rolling down front of eyes. Such a event is expected for the old and sick but also at the moment of greed and lust.

Most people that I have seen fall, pushed by themselves. You can see them naked, surrounded by the words of the people, as their cloth disappears, and the words that hovers around them, slowly find their way into their body. Strangling the person slowly, as you will not hear any word of their pain from them, as they will masquerade to be normal around the people they know.

The words from people might not seem a lot, but all of them will put more weight on the darkest part of the brain who wants to see us fail.

When people lose, the world sleeps another day.

That's why failures always seem insurmountable compared to success. Even as I am writing this, it feels inauthentic, soulless, the ideas I'm laying here could have been more captivating, more understandable to the ears, but I know this is the journey, the failure I have to carry it on my back to lick the dirt on paradise.

The terrible relationship of Human nature

It has always amazed me how hand of humans can heal the sick but at the same time, create a place of torture for the people who disobey the dogma.

Flip any pages of history, religious text, the existence of good and evil will be found but they will link the good and bad to a different entity instead of one. The horrors of the world aren't confined in a particular specific remote place, no no. It is here, living that coincides with us...always. There is a deep connection between our brain and the world outside. Since the world is made of us, people, human beings.

Just like how the ideas of good and evil of a being reside in our brain, the same kind of co-relationship can be seen in the world. Earth is a place where heaven and hell live with each other. It has never been a separate place, we all belong to both of them. The idea of perfect only comes true in the pages of fairy tales, but the land where the man breathes, evil lingers.

While some might draw poverty as a part of hell, and the skyscrapers of aristocrats as a gateway to heaven. But this analogy is missing a lot of details, as in both cases, human beings are present at a massive degree. A human being can't only navigate towards good or bad, it always stays in between. If a person out there is on the extreme end of good, then the world will beat him until he gets to the center or lose it all to a game with devil.

People are inherently evil, everyday we fight with our insanity to make the days go smoother without any trouble. We are suppressing the thoughts of anger taking the better of us, lust creeping on us, the world corrupting us. Being good is hard, that's why few people in the world are seen as a good person, in some parts of the world, being good is a curse too heavy to bury. As the route of success starts out quicker when you shake the hands of the devil.

As it wants your soul and gives you what you need. But on the other side, being good does offer nothing of value but your pride and dignity. Pride and dignity is something that nobody knows they have, until they lose it.

Light does remove the darkness, but it never kills it, darkness always stays, lingers in the air, waiting for the light to disappear, then it will shroud the air once again. 

The Question It all Led Me...

Limited time, we all have limited time on the earth, and we spend our time and money to make sure the time we have left in the world goes smoother with good company. Forming connections with people who will care, if we fall down. But have you ever asked, how far they will go to come to you?

I have seen it, the answer that the majority of people prefer is to move on. Sitting on the bed of the past will get you trapped, as you won't be able to move. Which is all true, but it kills the meaning as well. If all the people in our lives are seen as an object that can be replaced, then how long until you look at the mirror and see yourself as what you told others to be?

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