A life itself has no meaning, it earns meaning when it attaches to others for its own good. The other could be a person or a nameless entity. In the end, it is what we attach ourselves to, earn us a name in the world. Even though we are born with a name and a face, we do feel unknown, unrecognizable.

We have the desire to be someone else, but that desire only comes to our hand when we become part of an entity. As shallow as it sounds, it is true when you look the reality, a man or a woman never feels satisfied on their own. We have the urge to be part of something bigger, as a sign of happiness. And we whatever we takes to be part of it. 

Once we become part of the entity or somebody else, we do things that we never thought we were ever capable of.  We give time, burn down our lives, break the sand glass just to latch onto this unknown caricature. Some abuse themselves and others, let themselves get abused, all for the sake of maintaining this meaning.

Amazing isn't it? How precious is this meaning that we derive from others? It is lifeless but it does fill our heart to fullest. We never ask questions, questions such as--

If upkeeping a broken bridge becomes the most important aspect of your life, then what are we living for?

Anyone can easily perceive that our meanings hold not within ourselves but to a corporate wall of drawings and charts. Meaning leads to pride, which brings honor to the lives of many. The entity becomes the sole reason for living.

Stripping the entity from the person will lead to anguish, a cry for meaning back to their lives. So we crawl back to the same hole, again and again like a child coming back to that home that he just ran away from. NOTHING CHANGES! 

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