Death Of Individualism

We all have eyes, yet we all act blind when we face social obstructions. Do we blame ourselves for turning into the man we hated for selfish reasons, or should we accept the selfish nature of human beings and close the window to the horrors of the world?

A man can achieve a level of insanity on his own without needing the help of others. The world and the people around us encourage us to share our views with others to gain different perspectives.

All of that is wonderful, but it comes with a hefty price. We are forced to discard some of our views to fit the narrative of the world. This is exactly when we become part of a collective group separating from ourselves in the process.

The thoughts from our head might not land us in a utopia, but it is worth knowing the craftsmanship that went into creating such a thought. When people lose their mind, they discover a lot about the world and themselves. Leaving the decision to separate from one thought to another should be left to the individual to decide.

When you are locked in your own mind, you will only have yourself to separate good from bad and bad from evil. The idea is to help people to discover their inner side without coercing them to follow others.

But in reality, an idea as simple as this is too much for the government. A new kind of government that not only censors individual thinking but goes a step further and mocks it. It signals people to adapt to the current narrative rather than question it or have their say in the discussion.

The only discussion they allow is within the subject, never the existence of it. The discussion always has like-minded people drinking from the same cup. Any sort of individual voice gets suppressed and seen as an act of oppression.

Questioning is what people have instead of powers, and every ideology is riddled with flaws; it is the people who raise their doubts and seek answers that change the world. But the modern world no longer seeks the mind of individualism, as it seeks conformity from everyone.

Deep down, they are afraid of people, as every single human being who ever existed in the world carries certain uniqueness inside them. Each one of us has the ability to discover something new about the world, as we have the intelligence to challenge the narrative and show people all the rotten truth.

We find ourselves on a road where we can’t afford to be ourselves, so we swim in the river of comfort, leaving our ideals at bay.

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