Why should you question; When you have all the answers?

Why should you question; When you have all the answers?

Nobody has answers, but everybody pretends they do to make themselves look competent. But deep down, they don't even know what is happening around them. The maze we live in constantly changes from one single person to another.

Nobody has figured it out, and they never will. Great minds have died trying to analyze the complexity of life. No one holds an answer to every problem humanity faces in times of crisis. 

But people want a comforting lie with layers of falsehoods. Many people open the curtain to the world stage and start lying about everything their mind wanders to.

Like a moth to the lamp, people get immediately attracted to those who figured out only one tiny block of the puzzle. The attention drives the Teller to untie the wrapping of the box of lies. People start to believe one lie after another about the maze.

Now we are in the age where every Teller tells lies faster than the confetti when they enter a room to the Blues. Everyone who has their head down listens to every word and takes them deep into their heart. They crave the words told by the Teller into their soul.

A false purpose leads them to uncharted territory; instead of the person they were born to become, they turn into something else. Not even their blood will recognize the changes on their face, body, and eyes.

After one lie, they seek a more substantial lie. Each lie ties a chain around their body to the Teller. They become a slave to lies as their body disappears slowly. All that remains is a hollow-out version of themselves.

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