The walls have eyes

It looks like she is used; the wall she laid her head on is disgusting. I don't even want to look at the bottom of the wall, and the stains are older than her. The whole scene felt abnormal, an out of place experience. I never knew such a thing existed in the world, but it is when you see it with your own eyes.

The cloth barely covered her body; she held enough to protect her from the constant snow falling from the dreadful night. Her eyes were darker than the night; even if she stood under the lamp, her eyes would open up a portal to the worst of humanity.

But she never did get up and just lay there hanging on to the wall. It was late at night, so no passerby was around. Only I was there sitting on the nearby bench, looking at her. The alley cats were very fond of her, and they seemed to like her without giving her judging eyes. I know she probably gets that a lot from people in the day. 

But at night, she feels clocked from the civilization of the world. At night she feels invincible from all the misery of the world. When the sun slowly goes down, she looks at the wall as the shadow slowly creeps from the holes of the wall and surrounds her as a blanket around a child.

It was an amazing sight to see with your own eyes; humanity gave the worst to her, as she trusts the cold wind of the night for comfort more than thousands of people who walk past her every day. Eventually, the shadow disappears the moment it meets the light of the sun. Inch by inch, the comforting cloth that protected her at night slowly faded away.

After a while, the sun exposes the horror of her life, and she can see herself for what she is to the world. The nighttime friend is no longer in her life, and now she will have to stay exposed for twelve hours to see her nigh friend again.

She sits next to the wall in a fetal position, trying to make the most out of the cloth that is supposed to protect her from the snow. People hurl all sorts of abuses at her, and she takes it all. Some get so aggravated to throw a cup of hot coffee at her. 

The brutal assault from the people leaves a meaningless scar on her flesh. But it doesn't hurt her; she just waits for the night. 

She covers herself with the cloth to see her night friend. Her eyes stay in their darkness; not even a shed of tears falls from the eyes. Soon, she will see her friend. So she can be sucked out of reality and take a restless sleep in the lap of her night mother.

The pain she felt during the day all gets washed away; second, her flesh feels the coldness of the night. The shadow of the city helps her and lifts her from the world to somewhere where she can sleep peacefully.

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