Losing your soul to the desert


Imagine the scorching heat from the desert on your naked feet. With every step, your frail body adapts to the pain and pushes the limit further. 

When each sand in the desert acts as a bloody spear piercing through your naked feet, your mind begins to imagine a different reality. Perhaps a shadow on the ground or a puddle of water to ease the pain. But your eyes tell a very different story that solidifies the real world.

You look to your right and left and find yourself alone on the journey. All you have in the desert is your flesh and bones, and all the predators lie beneath the sand.

But you are not alone in your travel, as you see thousands of people going through the same wheel of motion as you are. Some will exchange their soul for a drop of water, if not less.

The courage that once found its way out of your mouth now stays within, along with hunger and thirst. The people you once knew and loved; now their flesh and bones are slowly become part of the desert.

Sand has no mercy for the human soul; it has always welcomed death and always will. It soaks in the blood of the people who have been cut from the thread of life. The sand bends an individual with a beating heart and courageous stance to live in a world of independence into a speck of dust in the hollow ground of life.

But you keep walking, avoiding the puddle of blood and bones of the people you once knew. When you left your family, they only told you to keep on walking and never look back. Your back may be empty, but it carries an unseen hope and dreams of your family; that you lost to a strange fate you never deserved.

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