Losing more Gaining a Little

It was very perplexing to see long cables from the sky finding a host on earth. For a few years, the whole system was another way around. Now the host is looking for cables from the sky, hoping to connect to the world.

It was an amazing sight; hosts never thought about being connected to the world or what kind of fascination awaited on the horizon. They used to be part of a community, and happiness gathered around them when they touched it.

Now those days are nothing but memories in a suitable casket. No host of today remembers the past or wants to live in it. At the same time, there are views that certainly align with the voices of the past. But the existence of those insight is nothing but rustling of leaves in the dark.

Some hosts can see the strength of cable as they see their lives being vacuumed daily in and out. A sight of genuine horror, but the host never complains, as they abide by the rules above. To this day, nobody knows where the cable ends, they appeared one day, and now they are part of us.

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