Again I ask how much does a human life is worth?

trange how powerful a life is, and at the same time so redundant to the world. Thousands of eyes open every day, only few will make any change to the world. Only few will have the emotion to see the pain in others and take the right step to make it go away. only a few. Time and time again, I ask myself the same question, how much does a human life is worth? And everytime, I am led to the answer - Nothing. Most people will die recklessly by themselves or by the system designed to protect them. What are we to the world? an asset, a cog in the system. our jobs are replaceable in a second, a new human being waits around the corner who will happily take your place for a meager amount of money. Again I ask myself how much does a human life worth? 

 Curse of any kind reveals the true faces of all the people you deem as friends and families. as they quickly throw you to the den of wolves. Everything you ever trusted will be a thing of the past, as bitter hollowness of their true selves will be dancing on the street, in front of your eyes. Again I ask how much does a human life is worth?

Justice in this world often leads to injustice, which it tries to prevent. All the words, sentences that end with the sound of gravel, rings silence to the victim. As perpetrators roam free after a few winters, seeking the same prey or younger ones. Again I ask myself HOW much Does a human life is worth? 

Cries of a human being often pierces the walls, but it never reaches the ear of another one or a caring one. The screams, the yelling, the horror stays inside the wall built for them. Barely, anyone hears it but they do hear it. Thye hear it clearly. Here, people crawl out of the shadows pretending to know the answers to life or care about yours. As they will tell you about their savior, whose blessing all you need to make reality go away.

 Some people who are vulnerable will agree to it, and you will see them walking around like a corpse with strings attached. Their eyes are gone, as it will look like you are staring at a well, late at night. Nothing there, as they are lost forever. Even the 'caring hands' 'helps' the weak for its own self gratification. Again I ask myself how much does a human life worth?

People look towards faith, by muttering their problems to themselves and hoping to find the answers from themselves all beneath the umbrella of god. Again I ask myself How much does a human life is worth?

People who live above morality see the rest as vermin that should be eradicated for their utopia. As they vision a true paradise can be achieved. if they were allowed to exterminate the people who don't rise above their shoulders. Again I ask how much does a human life is worth? 

 I have seen people chopping their limbs to feed the hunger of their loved ones. Th8 king it was all worth it, whether they did it for their own selfish reason or for greater good. But in the end, the well fed mouth grew up and cast their parents aside to the fires of eternal loneliness. Again I ask which is a life worth. The price a person pays to walk on the streets of dignity loses more than what he gains in return. And all the time he watches others feast on the meat of life by placing their humanity on a pyre. The warmth of their soul burning makes the food better for them. So I ask, does life have any worth? 

 The doors of riches open to anyone who carries piles of gold. Nobody looks at the blood stains on the gold, as it can be cleaned off. So why should anyone care to put their lives on the path of honesty and kind, if the reward is unworthy of their suffering?

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