
Figures from the past do cast a shadow on the mankind of today. But should we look through the pages of history to cast aspersions on the figure to show the people truth?

People admire a figure from the past for the actions they took in times of crisis. Much of their heroic tales push them to sit on the throne of righteousness. So the newer generation will have a figure that they all admire to be. The whole scene breeds the idea of following the footsteps of giants who came before you.

But when we look at ourselves, we unfold all the lies, scrutiny, and vitriol that we carry in the heart of others. As human beings, we are obliged to feel remorse in the same breath as disgust for others. Negating these feelings takes time, but we all know it resides in our minds.

The figures from the past are as holy as they appear in front of mankind, as in the form of stones or rocks; we have the right to know the atrocities they had to carry out to make the workers build a structure out of their physical vessel.

These figures are so large; it makes us wonder; whether they are driven by the idea of doing good or laying down lives to sit on the throne. A megalomaniac's mind wants to leave a stamp on the world; the statues that we see around the world scream the ego of a man.

If you look too closely, you can see the lies cascading from the top to the bottom of their statue. The bigger they appear, the more lies they carry within their entire lives. The heroic tales have been written on so many papers; people refuse to look at the other side.

As people are afraid to know the truth behind the stories, just like a child is afraid to look under the bed at night. Facing the truth will be a difficult process, as the caricature that we build in our heads will not reflect on the person in reality. History pages often destroy the caricature to force us to face the truth in the tales.

A historical figure is dripped in the blood of the innocent; a simple decision will hunt their name and stay intact to their personality long after they are gone from the world. Suffice it to say; I stopped looking at the figures as a holy beacon of hope for mankind; I see them as nothing but a reminder of the worse of the human mind.

We are not standing on their shoulders; we are all sitting down and admiring them with an empty mind.

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